Nostr examples

Get list of follows

To get a list of follows we start with a public key that we want to get the follows from and a relay address where the list is stored

```cpp const std::string pubkey("4ea843d54a8fdab39aa45f61f19f3ff79cc19385370f6a272dda81fade0a052b"); const std::string uri(""); ```

To define the request (REQ) we define a filter that has as "authors" our public key and has kind "3", defined as list of contacts in NIP-02 . A random and unique subscription ID for the request must also ge generated, with:

```cpp std::string subscription_id = uuid::generate_uuid_v4(); nostr::filter_t filter; filter.authors.push_back(pubkey); filter.kinds.push_back(3); ```

This generates the following JSON

```json [ "REQ", "9B874BC0-8372-4A41-9F5B-3DD6859F37F0", { "authors": [ "4ea843d54a8fdab39aa45f61f19f3ff79cc19385370f6a272dda81fade0a052b" ], "kinds": [ 3 ], "limit": 1 } ] ```

Finally the JSON string can be generated from the C++ objects and sent to the wire simply with

```cpp std::string json = nostr::make_request(subscription_id, filter); nostr::relay_to(uri, json); ```

And for that request a response is obtained according to NIP-02

```json [ "EVENT", "5B695BFF-2A99-48AD-AAAE-4DF13F2DB7E4", { "content": "{\"wss://\":{\"write\":true,\"read\":true}}", "created_at": 1687486321, "id": "b8826c41b78bf8e4545706914e0d921b77a86192393ffb3df47f5623e6fa5b8f", "kind": 3, "pubkey": "4ea843d54a8fdab39aa45f61f19f3ff79cc19385370f6a272dda81fade0a052b", "sig": "b1d004f1c0f8e72c9ac0c4492086c4dfc60478156feb5d6e7075923bb6e0d738d69ed61d16d65503d6df1f09b363dccd8013bd56a5354ebbbb029f558363997e", "tags": [ [ "p", "c708943ea349519dcf56b2a5c138fd9ed064ad65ddecae6394eabd87a62f1770" ], [ "p", "fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52" ] ] } ] ```

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